Monday, February 24, 2025

NT Pod 108: The Jesus / Joshua Problem

The Jesus/ Joshua Problem
NT Pod 108 continues the series on Bible translation (see also NT Pod 104: The Synoptic Translation Problem, NT Pod 105: What is Translation Inertia?, and NT Pod 107: Why Do We Translate New Testament Names the Way We Do?) and discusses the different ways we translate Jesus's name depending on whether we are looking at the Old Testament or the New: 

NT Pod 108: The Jesus / Joshua Problem (mp3)

Key texts (in the order in which they appear):

Col. 4.11
Matt. 27.16-17
Luke 3.29
Acts 7.45
Heb. 4.8-10

Feel free to leave your feedback below or on my Youtube channel, or on social media (links on the NT Pod web page).

Thanks to Ram2000, "Me and You", for the opening theme, released under a Creative Commons agreement.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

NT Pod 107: Why Do We Translate New Testament Names the Way We Do?

NT Pod 107 continues the series on Bible translation (see also NT Pod 104: The Synoptic Translation Problem and NT Pod 105: What is Translation Inertia?), focusing on the phenomenon of translating exactly the same name one way if it is an Old Testament character and another way if it is a New Testament character. The examples discussed are Jacob and James, and Judas and Jude: 

NT Pod 107: Why Do We Translate New Testament Names the Way We Do? (mp3)

Key texts (in order of mention in the episode):

1 Cor. 1.12, 3.22, 9.5, 15.5
Gal. 1.18, 2.7, 2.9, 11, 14
John 1.41-2
Luke 6.16
Acts 1.13
Jude 1
Mark 6.3 // Matt. 13.55
Matt. 1.2-17

Feel free to leave your feedback below, on our Youtube channel, or on social media (links on the NT Pod web page).

Thanks to Ram2000, "Me and You", for the opening theme, released under a Creative Commons agreement.

Monday, January 27, 2025

NT Pod 106: NT Introductions & Johannine Communities with Hugo Méndez

In NT Pod 106, I am in conversation with Dr Hugo Méndez, Associate Professor in Ancient Mediterranean Religions at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Our primary focus is on John's Gospel, and the "Johannine Community", but we also discuss Dr Méndez's new online course, with Bart Ehrman’s Biblical Studies Academy, The New Testament: Exploring the Christian Bible

NT Pod 106: In Conversation with Hugo Méndez (mp3)

Here are links to material discussed in the podcast:

The New Testament: Exploring the Christian Bible, with Hugo Méndez [Link temporarily disabled]
This is an online course at Bart Ehrman's Biblical Studies Academy. Note: As an affiliate for Bart Ehrman Courses, the NT Pod may earn a commission (at no additional cost to you) if you sign up for this course.

Details of Dr Méndez's research, publications, and activities

Online reproduction of an important article discussed in this podcast 

Feel free to leave your feedback below, or on our YouTube channel, or on social media (links on the NT Pod web page).

Thanks to Ram2000, "Me and You", for the opening theme, released under a Creative Commons agreement.