NT Pod 104, "The Synoptic Translation Problem," investigates a problem in English translations of the Gospels. The translations frequently mangle the agreements and disagreements between the Synoptic Gospels, and between the Synoptics and John. This podcast attempts to show how pervasive the problem is by drawing attention to conflicting translations in the NRSVUE (the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition), and proposing a way forward for future translations of the New Testament.
Key texts:
(1) Matt. 27.50 // Mark 15.37 // Luke 23.46; Psalm 31.5
(2) Matt. 26.51 // Mark 14.47 // Luke 22.50 // John 18.10
(3) Matt. 26.6-13 // Mark 14.3-9 // Luke 7.36-50 // John 12.1-8
(4) Matt. 28.10 // John 20.17
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