Friday, February 12, 2010

NT Pod 25: Q

NT Pod episode 25 introduces the arguments for the existence of "Q", the hypothetical source that lies behind the double tradition material in Matthew and Luke. It is the third of our four back-to-back episodes on the Synoptic Problem.

It is twelve minutes long. Feel free to leave your comments below.

NT Pod 25: Q (mp3)

NT Pod 25: Q (mp3) (Alternative location)

See also: NT Pod 23: What is the Synoptic Problem?, NT Pod 24: Was Mark the First Gospel? and NT Pod 26 (forthcoming). See also the extended episodes of the NT Pod.

Thanks to Ram2000, Me and You, for the opening theme, released under a Creative Commons agreement.

NT Pod Extended Episode 3: The Synoptic Problem 3

This is the third of the extended episodes of the NT Pod, and it is part three of our discussion of the Synoptic Problem. It is a slightly edited recording of a class on the topic given as as part of for an Introduction to the New Testament class at Duke University (February 2010).

It is 53 minutes long. Feel free to leave your comments below.

NT Pod Extended Episode 3: Synoptic Problem 3: Q (mp3)

NT Pod Extended Episode 3: Synoptic Problem 3: Q (mp3) (Alternative location)

Lecture Handout: Q (PDF)

Thanks to Ram2000, Me and You, for the opening theme, released under a Creative Commons agreement.

Monday, February 8, 2010

NT Pod 24: Was Mark the First Gospel?

The latest episode of the NT Pod asks "Was Mark the first Gospel?" It is the second of our four back-to-back episodes on the Synoptic Problem (see also NT Pod 23: What is the Synoptic Problem?).

It is twelve minutes long. Feel free to leave your comments below.

NT Pod Episode 24: Was Mark the First Gospel? (mp3)

NT Pod Episode 24: Was Mark the First Gospel? (mp3) (Alternative location)

There is also an extended episode on this topic available, based on a lecture on this topic, given at Duke as part of my Introduction to the New Testament course (February 2010):

NT Pod Extended Episode 2: The Synoptic Problem 2

Thanks to Ram2000, Me and You, for the opening theme, released under a Creative Commons agreement.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

NT Pod Extended Episode 2: The Synoptic Problem 2

This is an extra, extended episode of the NT Pod. It is the second of three extended episodes on the Synoptic Problem, edited recordings of my classes on the topic for an Introduction to the New Testament class at Duke University (February 2010).

This episode is 50 minutes long.

NT Pod Extended Episode 2: The Synoptic Problem 2 (mp3)

NT Pod Extended Episode 2: The Synoptic Problem 2 (mp3) (Alternative location)

The regular NT Pod related to this topic is NT Pod 24: Was Mark the first Gospel?

If you would like to follow along the extended podcast with the class handout, you can download it here:

Lecture Handout: Marcan Priority (PDF)

Thanks to Ram2000, Me and You, for the opening theme, released under a Creative Commons agreement.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

NT Pod Extended Episode 1: The Synoptic Problem 1

This is an extra, extended episode of the NT Pod. It is 40 minutes long. It is the first of three extended episodes on the Synoptic Problem, edited recordings of my classes on the topic for an Introduction to the New Testament class at Duke University:

NT Pod Extended Episode 1: The Synoptic Problem 1 (mp3)

NT Pod Extended Episode 1: The Synoptic Problem 1 (mp3) (Alternative location)

If you would like to follow along with the handout for the class, you can download a copy here:

Synoptic Problem 1 Handout (PDF)

Thanks to Ram2000, Me and You, for the opening theme, released under a Creative Commons agreement.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

NT Pod 23: What is the Synoptic Problem?

NT Pod episode 23 is the first of the four back-to-back episodes on the Synoptic Problem. This one introduces the problem and begins to survey the data.

It is twelve minutes long. Feel free to leave your comments below.

NT Pod Episode 23: What is the Synoptic Problem (mp3)

Note: there is an extra, extended episode of the NT Pod available on this topic, an edited recording of a class lecture on the topic. It is forty minutes long, and it is found here:

NT Pod Extended Episode 1: The Synoptic Problem 1

Thanks to Ram2000, Me and You, for the opening theme, released under a Creative Commons agreement.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

NT Pod 22: The Anonymity of the Gospels

Episode 22 of the NT Pod discusses the issue of The Anonymity of the Gospels, exploring some of the issues that surround the relative lack of "authorial representation" in the canonical Gospels, in contrast with some second century Gospels.

It is eleven minutes long. Feel free to leave your comments below.

NT Pod Episode 22: The Anonymity of the Gospels (mp3)

Key texts: Matthew 9.9; Luke 1.1-4, John 19.35, John 21.24; Gospel of Thomas Incipit; Protevangelium of James 25.1; Gospel of Peter 15.60; Apocryphon of James.

Thanks to Ram2000, Me and You, for the opening theme, released under a Creative Commons agreement.